What do you suppose all of those good intentions that pave the road to hell really look like? Perhaps some of your intentions are in that stretch of highway. Isn’t that your intention there – to be more patient with the kind but whiny friend whose knee always aches on a rainy day? Or maybe that one there – your intention to call your mother every Sunday? These are simple enough promises that we make to ourselves and others that we intend to hold fast to but are just not diligent enough to keep. What is it about intentions?
Just prior to my meditation or on my yoga mat I sometimes set an intention as is a common practice. I make an effort to set intentions that will impact not only my own well being but the well being of the people I serve or care for. In the setting of these commitments I am sincere and earnest but so often I find myself falling short in the actual application.
In my yoga practice I am serene and dedicated to being patient but when the same tired story rises up from the same downtrodden person for the ten millionth time I become inwardly cranky and annoyed. Where did my yoga mat serenity go? In my practices I know that it will come -the opportunity to test my intention. I will hear the story again; I will smile with patience and understanding; I will allow the person to be who she is and simply be present. That is my intention. But the reality is I close my eyes (she is on the phone and can’t see me), and take a very deep but silent breath and wait for it to be over. That is the best I can muster. It is such a disappointment. I am there for the person. I do care about her life. But my intention has been added to Satan’s roadway.
What then do I do? Do I simply set intentions that I absolutely know I can and will keep? Do I lower the bar and just admit to my impatience and judgment? The way I look at it is that it is exactly why it is called a practice. I want to be patient and smiling and sweet and my intention is to be kind and sincere but for now I will practice and offer my best. She keeps coming back after all, so she must be getting something from my listening ear.
Drive on then dark prince and know that the potholes in your road will be filled with people’s efforts to be good. When we fail, try to remember that our intentions made your life a little easier. In the meantime, I will continue to set intentions that I may not be able to keep but will strive to do a little better every single time.
What intentions do you set that you struggle with? Is it worth it to fail over and over again?