
About This Blog

What makes a good person? Is there a one size fits all for decency and quality of character?  If mankind made a list of personal attributes that defined a good person could we all agree on those characteristics?

If we took the very same list that mankind created and held it up to ourselves would we measure up?  How would we know? Are we honest enough with ourselves to determine if we actually possess the qualities that we believe we have?  Do we ask ourselves the hard questions and answer them with truths even if we don’t like the answer?  And then what?  What do we do with that truthful analysis?  Do we say, “that is just who I am” and never change?

Here is an opportunity to begin thinking, examining, and questioning the choices and decisions you make in your life.  This is my side of the journey and I hope that along the way you will share yours.

About Me

I highly value education whether it be formal or self-taught and I admire those who use their knowledge and wisdom for the betterment of themselves and others.  I find human beings intriguing and devote an enormous amount of time and energy trying to understand the actions and behaviors of people around me.

My life so far has been devoted to being  an educator, a wife, a mother of four, and a relentless pursuer of stability in an often very turbulent life.  I have learned much from listening to others and asking questions for which I could find no satisfactory answer in myself. Writing has been a passion and an outlet for me since childhood and so I come here to write, think, and hopefully listen to the thoughts and responses of those who might choose to share.