Monthly Archive: May 2017


Curiosity – Check It Out!

Something really cool is happening in my life. Curiosity is on the rise. I am so much less self- conscious than I have ever been in my 50 plus years and it feels like...



Lately I feel like I am rearranging the space in my mind. I am starting a new job, and taking on some outside volunteer activities in my life. On top of that, my college...


Who Do You See?

  What is an expert? Are you an expert on anything? I stated in my introduction to this blog that I am an expert on myself. I believe that. Recently I read an article...


Finding Meditation

I have mentioned in my prior posts my interest and efforts in developing a regular meditation practice. I began thinking about meditation last year before my “epiphany” and had tried it without success on...


Real Change Takes Practice

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am straddling what feels like a divide. There is a pull for me to be the Jill people have known, and the Jill I want and...